Wake up! Read this: Confessions (strategies) of a branded journalist, by Steve Buttry (director of Community Engagement & Social Media for Digital First Media and Journal Register Co.)
Look at the personal site of a young journalist: Kim Bui
Look at the personal blog of a young journalist: Greg Linch
Blogging tips from Adam Westbrook: Why journalists must blog and how
You already have FREE Web space here at UF (only 20 MB): plaza.ufl.edu
Twitter examples: Omar Chatriwala (freelance journalist; formerly Al Jazeera); Jennifer 8. Lee (book author; formerly New York Times)
Facebook examples: Christiane Amanpour (CNN); Nicholas Kristof (New York Times)
Recent posts and articles about Social Media and Journalists
> See all UF Journalism course offerings
A series of basic beginner how-to lessons. No previous experience required.
Nieman Journalism Lab | @NiemanLab
An awesome resource for young, old and aspiring journalists. The latest and most cutting-edge topics in the evolution of journalism are covered here.
Journalism Jobs
Browse for jobs and internships in any media field -- magazine, newspaper, online, TV, radio, publc relations, and more.
Mashable | @Mashable
The best blog for keeping up with what people are talking about in the world of social media.
Online News Association | @ONA
The premier professional organization for online journalists.
Frequently updated list of free online tutorials and resources.
Teaching Online Journalism
My blog about digital storytelling and how newsrooms are changing.