College of Journalism and Communications 2013

University of Florida | 30 May 2013

Online Journalism: Wake-Up Call

Wake up! Read this: Confessions (strategies) of a branded journalist, by Steve Buttry (director of Community Engagement & Social Media for Digital First Media and Journal Register Co.)

Presenting Yourself Online

Look at the personal site of a young journalist: Kim Bui

Look at the personal blog of a young journalist: Greg Linch

Blogging tips from Adam Westbrook: Why journalists must blog and how

You already have FREE Web space here at UF (only 20 MB):

Using Social Media Like a Professional

Twitter examples: Omar Chatriwala (freelance journalist; formerly Al Jazeera); Jennifer 8. Lee (book author; formerly New York Times)

Facebook examples: Christiane Amanpour (CNN); Nicholas Kristof (New York Times)

Recent posts and articles about Social Media and Journalists

Online Journalism Courses at the University of Florida

> See all UF Journalism course offerings

Reporter's Guide to Multimedia Proficiency

A series of basic beginner how-to lessons. No previous experience required.

  1. RGMP 1: Read blogs and use RSS
  2. RGMP 2: Start a blog
  3. RGMP 3: Buy an audio recorder and learn to use it
  4. RGMP 4: Start editing audio
  5. RGMP 5: Listen to podcasts
  6. RGMP 6: Post an interview (or podcast) on your blog
  7. RGMP 7: Learn how to shoot decent photos
  8. RGMP 8: Learn how to crop, tone, and optimize photos
  9. RGMP 9: Add photos to your blog
  10. RGMP 10: Learn to use Soundslides
  11. RGMP 11: Tell a good story with images and sound
  12. RGMP 12: Learn to shoot video
  13. RGMP 13: Edit your video with iMovie or Windows Movie Maker
  14. RGMP 14: Publish your video on your blog
  15. RGMP 15: Maintain and update your skills


Nieman Journalism Lab | @NiemanLab
An awesome resource for young, old and aspiring journalists. The latest and most cutting-edge topics in the evolution of journalism are covered here.

Journalism Jobs
Browse for jobs and internships in any media field -- magazine, newspaper, online, TV, radio, publc relations, and more.

Mashable | @Mashable
The best blog for keeping up with what people are talking about in the world of social media.

Online News Association | @ONA
The premier professional organization for online journalists.

Journalists' Toolkit
Frequently updated list of free online tutorials and resources.

Teaching Online Journalism
My blog about digital storytelling and how newsrooms are changing.