- Knight Chair Professor of Journalism details
- August 1999 - present
- University of Florida, Gainesville
- Web Strategist details
- December 1997 - June 1999
- American Press Institute, Reston, Virginia
- Consultant details
- July 1995 - December 1997
- Specialized in information design, including work
with all types of new media, hypertext, Web sites, and online publications.
- Content Developer details
- April 1994 - July 1995
- Digital Ink Co., Washington, D.C.
- This wholly owned subsidiary of The Washington Post
Company was formed in October 1993 to produce electronic media products.
- Copy Editor, Metro Desk details
- February 1993 - April 1994
- The Washington Post, Washington, D.C.
- Copy Editor details
- July 1988 - February 1993
- Time magazine, New York
- Copy Chief (1987 - 1988);
Copy and Production Editor (1984 - 1987) details
- November 1984 - July 1988
- MIS Week, Fairchild Publications, New York
- This weekly business newspaper covered the computer
and telecommunications industries.
- Copy Editor details
- December 1982 - November 1984
- Dell Publishing Co., Inc., New York
- Freelance Work details
- Producer, Prodigy Services Co., 1991 - 1992
- Copy editor for several major book publishers, 1982 - 1985