
Knight Chair Professor of Journalism details
August 1999 - present
University of Florida, Gainesville
Web Strategist details
December 1997 - June 1999
American Press Institute, Reston, Virginia
Consultant details
July 1995 - December 1997
Specialized in information design, including work with all types of new media, hypertext, Web sites, and online publications.
Content Developer details
April 1994 - July 1995
Digital Ink Co., Washington, D.C.
This wholly owned subsidiary of The Washington Post Company was formed in October 1993 to produce electronic media products.
Copy Editor, Metro Desk details
February 1993 - April 1994
The Washington Post, Washington, D.C.
Copy Editor details
July 1988 - February 1993
Time magazine, New York
Copy Chief (1987 - 1988);
Copy and Production Editor (1984 - 1987) details
November 1984 - July 1988
MIS Week, Fairchild Publications, New York
This weekly business newspaper covered the computer and telecommunications industries.
Copy Editor details
December 1982 - November 1984
Dell Publishing Co., Inc., New York
Freelance Work details
Producer, Prodigy Services Co., 1991 - 1992
Copy editor for several major book publishers, 1982 - 1985