UF College of Fine Arts

November 2007

Online Journalism Graphics

This page accompanies a one-hour chat with MFA graphic design students.

Examples of Multimedia Journalism Packages


September 11 Anniversary (The Hole in Manhattan's Heart), Newsweek

Explore the Human Heart, National Geographic

Liberians in Minnesota, Star Tribune, Minneapolis (analysis)

40 Years of RESPECT, Detroit Free Press (analysis)

Sputnik Anniversary: Comparing print and online treatments


Virginia Tech Shootings, New York Times (analysis)

California Fires, Newsweek (analysis)

Vincent Brothers Murder Trial, Bakersfield Californian (analysis)


D.C. Schools Scorecard, Washington Post

Interactive Wealth Calculator, New York Times (analysis)

3-D Graphics

Stoves for Guatemala, Houston Chronicle

IEDs: The Hidden Enemy, Newsweek


Afro-Latin Americans, Miami Herald

Islam in Europe, MSNBC.com


Churchill and the Great Republic, Library of Congress

Calendar Events

SXSW 2006, Dallas Morning News

Burning Man, Las Vegas Sun

What Kind of People Will You Work With?

Essential Personnel

A single person might be able to serve in two or even three of these positions on the team, but it's unlikely that one person will be able to do it all.

Essential Roles

Further Reading

Society for News Design (SND)
Membership is open to anyone with a professional interest in news and news design. They have GREAT conferences and workshops.

Alberto Cairo Web Site
Cairo used to be a news graphic artist (infografista) at El Mundo, a large daily newspaper in Madrid. Now he teaches journalism at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He shares a lot of his wonderful teaching materials online.

Visual Editors
Editors, designers, IT managers, and publishers check in to this "classroom" to learn what's new and to develop new strategies for telling stories.

A fundamental way newspaper sites need to change, by Adrian Holovaty

Learning HTML and CSS

HTML Dog has the best tutorials, free and not cluttered with ads!

Learning Flash

10-Minute Flash Tutorials (honestly, only 10 minutes each)

Simple Flash Project: Single SWF (your first Flash package)

FlashJournalism.com (companion Web site to the book)

Journalists' Toolkit: Flash Resources

Contact Information

My e-mail:

My blog: Teaching Online Journalism